The Grove Centre Church: Sydenham



If you are visiting for the first time and you would like to know more about the Grove Centre, click here. If this website does not answer all your questions, then please contact us!

We are a multi-ethnic church: some of our congregation have written their own welcome in different languages

A newcomer has describes us as "A warm church, lively!" 

Other comments are:  

I think our church welcomes all kinds of people and nations and children of all ages. - Come to our friendly welcome church - whatever you are, all are accepted. - " All are  welcome in this place." - It is a joy to welcome you to our happy church. - Welcome to a church that has become a family of all ages. Here you find love, friendship, support, and comfort.

The Grove Centre Church is a collection of individuals who have committed themselves to each other through their common belief in Jesus Christ. We are individuals but we also seek to live out our Christian lives as a community, seeking to serve one another and the wider community in which we are set, giving mutual support, encouragement and love. We believe that together we are the body of Christ, exhibiting, we trust, the qualities and gifts possessed by Jesus himself. In this we fail daily for we are ordinary, fallible, people. But we believe passionately that we are loved by God and called and enabled by him to live a life of discipleship.

Central to our life together is our worship on Sunday morning at 10.30am. Communion is usually celebrated on the first and third Sundays of each month. We hope you will be able to worship with us. If you are here on a Sunday do stay, if you can, for coffee and make yourself known! Please don't feel that you have to contribute to the offering, which is for regular worshippers. We hope you will find a welcome that will make you want to stay longer and become part of this Christian community.

Our minister is the Rev. Louise Polhill. If you are interested in having a service of Thanksgiving and Blessing for the birth of a baby, or want to discuss a wedding or a funeral, or would like us to pray for you, please contact the Church Secretary at the Grove Office 020 8778 8601 or email us or the minister.

To see what is going on in the life of the church see the calendar and the news page.